Statutory Audit vs Internal Audit

When it comes to understanding the health and efficacy of an organization’s financial practices, statutory audits and internal audits play pivotal roles. However, the specific functions and outcomes of these audits vary significantly. This blog post will delve into the differences between a statutory audit and an internal audit, exploring their purposes, methodologies, and impacts on a company.

What’s the Difference?

A statutory audit is a legally mandated review of a company’s financial statements conducted by an independent auditor to ensure accuracy and compliance with financial regulations. In contrast, an internal audit is an optional, comprehensive evaluation performed by a company’s own audit department to assess and improve the effectiveness of its internal controls, processes, and risk management.

Statutory Audit: A Legally Mandated Examination

A statutory audit is conducted by an independent auditor appointed externally, typically by an audit firm. This type of audit is mandated by law for most public companies and certain private entities, depending on local regulations. The purpose of a statutory audit is to provide stakeholders, such as investors and regulators, with an opinion on whether the financial statements are true, fair, and compliant with generally accepted accounting principles. The statutory audit is to provide assurance on the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting.

Internal Audit: In-Depth Organizational Review

Unlike the statutory audit, an internal audit is generally conducted by the organization’s own internal audit department. This audit is not legally required but is initiated by the company’s senior management to assess the adequacy of the organization’s internal controls, risk management, and governance processes. The scope of an internal audit is broader and more varied than that of a statutory audit, potentially covering topics ranging from operational efficiency to compliance and risk management.

Key Differences in Focus and Scope

The internal audit vs statutory audit difference is stark in terms of focus and scope. While the statutory audit focuses narrowly on financial reporting, ensuring the financial statements are prepared according to legal standards and accounting principles, internal audits have a broader remit. Internal audit functions include assessing the effectiveness of internal controls in place, identifying areas for improvement, and providing recommendations for improving internal controls and business processes.

Actionable Tip:

Companies should ensure clear communication and delineation of responsibilities between their statutory auditors and internal audit teams to optimize both auditing functions and avoid overlap.

Reporting and Outcome

The outcome and reporting process also highlight the difference between internal audit and statutory audit. Statutory auditors provide an audit opinion on the financial statements to the shareholders and the public, which forms part of the annual report. Conversely, internal audit reports are usually confidential and are presented to senior management and the board of directors for internal use.

Actionable Tip:

Develop a comprehensive audit plan that aligns both statutory and internal audit efforts with the strategic goals of the organization to enhance the value of the audits.

Appointment and Independence

Statutory auditors are appointed by the shareholders during the annual general meeting, ensuring their independence from the management of the company. In contrast, internal auditors are appointed by the management and must maintain objectivity but are inherently part of the organization.

Actionable Tip:

Maintain rigorous criteria for selecting and evaluating both internal and external auditors to uphold the integrity and independence of the audit processes.


Understanding the difference between a statutory audit and an internal audit is crucial for businesses in effectively managing their financial controls and compliance. While a statutory audit provides a legally required snapshot of a company’s financial accuracy and compliance, an internal audit offers deeper insights into the company’s broader operational health and risk management practices. Both are essential for robust financial management and should be utilized strategically to support the long-term success and compliance of the organization. By recognizing the distinct roles each audit plays, companies can better prepare for and benefit from each type of audit.