Medical instrumentation : application and design

Basic concepts of medical instrumentation / Walter H. Olson -- Basic sensors and principles / Robert A. Peura and John G. Webster -- Amplifiers and signal processing / John G. Webster -- The origin of biopotentials / John W. Clark, Jr. -- Biopotential electrodes / Michael R. Neuman -- Biopotential amplifiers / Michael R. Neuman -- Blood pressure and sound / Robert A. Peura -- Measurement of flow and volume of blood / John G. Webster -- Measurements of the respiratory system / Frank P. Primiano, Jr. -- Chemical biosensors / Robert A. Peura -- Clinical laboratory instrumentation / Lawrence A. Wheeler -- Medical imaging systems / Melvin P. Siedband -- Therapeutic and prosthetic devices / Michael R. Neuman -- Electrical safety / Walter H. Olson


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[WorldCat (this item)]

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